some things about me:

i care very much about queer, trans and intersex wellbeing

my paid work, volunteer mahi and academic study over the last few years has been all about rainbow/lgbti+ wellbeing and suicide prevention. i work at the intersection of public health & community development.

you can follow my work on linkedin - sometimes i write things on there. i made a blog about rainbow suicide prevention to document my masters work, and have written some things there too.

some of the organisations i work with and for include te ngākau kahukura, the professional association for transgender health aotearoa, the rainbow support collective & counting ourselves. a couple of years ago i was appointed a member of the new zealand order of merit for services to lgbtqi+ communities.

i make small publications

i’ve been making zines, books, prints and websites since the late 90s, and have been involved in community building around self publishing. moon rocket archive and small print share some of this history.

i haven’t been as active around publishing my own work for a while, but have been getting back into publishing recently, and i have a few zines in print.

i’m vegan

if you want to know my recommendations for what to eat in auckland & other places i’ve travelled, follow @aucklandvegan on instagram & maybe look at my old blog.

& various other things

i’m updating this in april 2024; it’s raining too heavily to be out in the world. my sweet grey cat friend (see fanzine) is still visiting most days. i share photos about my life sometimes (and have been organising the archive on flickr a little).
